Wednesday, April 24, 2013

attitude of gratitude.

i have nothing to complain about.
i still complain, of course. but i have no reason to.

God is good.

every night as i lay in bed i have an attitude of gratitude. God has given me so much.

but why throughout the day do i not always remember this? just 2 days ago i had a total freak out.
our kitchen is too small, theres not enough storage. we don't have enough money to fix either of these problems. i was a mess.
evan came home and saved the day (he's really good at saving me)

but that night my attitude changed and not only was i thankful for the kitchen we have but i was also thankful for my amazing husband.

what happens during the day that makes it harder to have an attitude of gratitude. is it that i have so much to do?
not enough time to just
be still.

not enough time to remember that He will provide
not enough time to give my worries over to Him

what happens during the day that makes me so stressed i can't remember how faithful He is. and how much He's blessed me.

but then, when i'm in bed, in the dark, not running around my whole outlook changes.
i'm not stressed about my kitchen, i'm thankful for it
i'm not stressed that we don't always have extra money. i'm grateful i get to stay home with my daughter everyday.
i'm not worried about my messy house, i'm blessed we have a home, that we love.

why can't i take time during the day so sit, be still, and be grateful for all of these things.
i can.
i will.
i am.

God is so good. all of the time.
i just get busy and don't always realize it.
and thats changing… starting now.

starting now i will have an attitude of gratitude, all of the time, even when i'm a mess!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for sharing this. I can relate in SO many ways. I was just looking at your picts. on facebook and would have never guessed that you too struggled with these things. we ARE in this together.
